Friday, June 3, 2011

Behold When They Call Evil Good And Good Evil

Isa 5:20-21,20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight! NKJV
As you can see by my title that this is not going to be a politically correct article? Every morning I go through the news whether it is local, national or international.  Lately I’ve noticed that this same tread keeps coming up and it is about High School graduations.
It seems to me that they are trying with all their hearts and stupid heads to God out of this country.  I’m talking about the progressives and liberals in this country and the amazing thing about all this is the fact is that the lame stream media never talk about it.
Well my case in point is the fact that Neptune High School has bowed to the demands of the ACLU when it comes to graduation ceremonies. 
Some dumb grandma went to a graduation at Neptune High, which by the way the graduation itself is held at The Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove NJ, which I will get to later.  But the fact is this grandma went there, probably knew what Ocean Grove was all about, but she turns around and says she is offended by the Cross on the building and the religious signs on the inside.  Well listen, grandma, stay home. I guess every time I go in a gas station and a person with a Turban on his head or Dot on his forehead comes out I should file a lawsuit with ACLU yea, see how far I get with that one.  No I simply don’t go there. Let’s look at a Chinese Restaurant for instance.  Chinese are about Buddha and they have their little Buddha statues in there and so forth for decorations (some are Buddhists) and some of them aren’t.  As a matter of fact a large majority is Christian, but it is part of their culture.  Maybe we should file a lawsuit with the ACLU or maybe I won’t go their (but I like Chinese food).
See my point, The Great Auditorium is a symbol of Christianity. That is exactly what this country was built on.  Honoring God and that is what the Great Auditorium does it honors God and that is  why the Methodists built it in the first place and if it offends anyone stay the HELL out, because that’s where you’re going anyway.
Now let’s get back to the Methodist’s at the Ocean Grove Association.  Hey, what are you thinking!!! This is consecrated ground and up until a few years you could not even drive a car in Ocean Grove on a Sunday, to my knowledge and I could be wrong but you could even have alcohol unless it was in a private home.  And now you cover your cross (on the inside) and cover your lit religious signs too. 
Ocean Grove you bowed and the Bible says “if bow you burn,” this is not a threat.  But when you turn form God and don’t take a stand for righteousness then His arm of supernatural protection is gone”   You caved in to the establishment, I would of told Neptune High School no way nothing get’s covered take your business somewhere else.  You see every time we cave in the progressives win a little more.  Our rights as Christians are being eroded away.  One more example I saw today was a judge in Texas ruled no prayers at High School Graduations and it is now illegal to say Amen.
Well I say AMEN this should be interesting.

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